Practice Areas > Dog Bites/Animal Attacks
Dog Bites/Animal Attacks

Lawyer For Dog Attacks Florida
Nearly five million people are bitten by dogs every year in the United States. Estimates indicate that over half of all dog bite attacks occur in someone’s home. Most dogs are great pets offering great companionship and security. Unfortunately many attacks occur because dog owners are not properly supervising and securing their dogs, and some dogs are not friendly companions, but out of control and dangerous. Often, children are the victims of dog bites and many of the attacks go unreported.
Florida Dog Bite AttorneysIf you or your child is the victim of a dog bite, there may be significant physical and emotional consequences. Physical consequences include:
Potential infection from dog bites
Broken bones
Cuts and lacerations
Permanent facial or other scarring
Emotional trauma is also very common after a dog bite attack. In some situations, the signs of trauma may not become apparent until long after the incident and may include nightmares or flashbacks.
The highest rate of dog attacks occurs in children between the ages of 5 and 9. The signs of emotional trauma may be different in children than in adults. These signs may include fear of separation, bedwetting and fear of other dogs.
It is difficult to think about such a negative experience happening to ourselves or our families, but in case of a dog attack, it is important that you consider legal assistance. Mr. McIntyre can help you with claims including dog attacks, mauling, wrongful death and serious injury.
In Florida, if a dog attacks , the owner is responsible even if they didn’t realize that their dog was dangerous. Florida law will consider whether the victim somehow provoked the dog or whether the property owner had a “Bad Dog” warning posted. If you have been attacked by a dog or other animal, contact us at as soon as possible. The sooner you call, the sooner we can contact the dog’s owner and present your claim.
After a dog attack, you should be sure to get medical attention right away, exchange contact information with the dog owner and any witnesses, take photographs of your injury and the dog, and file a police or animal control report. You should not sign any papers or make any settlement agreements until you have spoken to an injury lawyer who handles dog bite cases.
As a dog attach victim you may be compensated for such things as pain and suffering, mental anguish, medical and hospital expenses, scar revision surgery, lost wages and loss of ability to earn wages in the future.
It is important that you contact a Florida dog attack lawyer soon after the incident to preserve evidence and to learn of your legal rights. Call us at to speak with Attorney Joe McIntyre.