Practice Areas > Injuries to Children
Injuries to Children

Injuries to Children Attorney Florida
We all recognize that children are much more vulnerable than adults and must be protected in all situations. Even with this understanding, we know that injuries can still occur. Often these injuries are not serious and children recover quickly. In some cases children are seriously injured and parents are obligated to protect their children by learning of their legal options and taking appropriate legal action.
Children are injured in the same ways as adults; in motor vehicle and truck accidents, slip and fall accidents, etc. Playground accidents and injuries at Daycare facilities however are more likely to involve children. Playgrounds have become more sophisticated in recent years and injuries to children have increased. Likewise, more children are being cared for at Daycare facilities and injuries there have been increasing. Injury Attorney Joe McIntyre will help you understand the legal aspects of recovering from a responsible party if your child is injured.
These are among the common types of accidents involving children:
Playground injuries
Daycare accidents
Negligent supervision
These accidents may result in fractures, paralysis or death. In Florida children are susceptible to accidental drowning. These tragedies can be prevented with basic safety precautions including placing gates around pools, having lifesaving equipment in place, teaching kids strong swimming skills and ensuring that an adult is always near the pool providing supervision.
Handling a child injury case requires knowledge of current Florida laws as they all pertain to the accident and the injured child. If someone is responsible for the injury to your child, you will need to do some investigative work to determine how the injury happened, if it could have been prevented and who is responsible for the injury.
Under Florida Law when settlements exceed a certain dollar amount they must be approved by a Circuit Court Judge before the case is actually settled. In some cases the court will appoint an outside attorney known as the “Guardian Ad Litem” to protect the interests of the child and to insure that the case was handled properly. In his over 30 years of practice and in many cases, Attorney Joseph C. McIntyre has served as a court appointed Guardian Ad Litem on behalf of injured children. In settlements that exceed a certain amount the child’s funds are placed in a restricted depository account and no withdrawals can be made except by court order. Florida’s legal system protects the child’s funds until they reach the age of 18.
We know that an injury to a child can cause great emotional trauma to the entire family. Contact Mr. McIntyre at anytime for a free consultation to determine whether your child’s injury would allow a negligence recovery.